This week was a lot like last week, that I had to put on another World Camp and we had our weekly Volleyball league. But we had a weekend scheduled for a huge baseball tournament, called the Bo-Reid Tournament that was being held at Hedges-Boyer Park. The tournament was supposed to start Saturday and end
Sunday, but with the weather that we have been getting throughout the summer, we had to cancel Saturday all together. This meant that the tournament was going to have to be played all in one day, Sunday! Me and the other interns showed up to Hedges-Boyer at 7:00 am so that we could help Matt and Steve prepare the fields and put more clay down so that some fields could be playable. This took about an hour and a half to make sure that all 4 fields would hold for the day. We then set up the scoreboards, passed out the score books to each coach, and lined the field and batters boxes. The first round of games kicked off at 9:00am. Each team was guaranteed two games. Then from their the single elimination was set in place. While the games were going on a was placed at a field and kept the official book for all of those games on that field. 
    This was exciting and a great learning experience because I had never done that before. I was really able to get into the game because I had no other choice but to pay attention to what was happening on the field so that I did not mess up. Just like learning how to umpire, I was able to add yet another skill to my belt. 
    It was a long day, being at the park from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, but despite the rain we got the day before it was a beautiful day to play baseball!  

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