This the Tiffin Volleyball Leagues started! These leagues play on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, and Thursdays and include an all woman league as well as two co-ed leagues split into a "Power" league and a "Recreation" league. I am in charge of the "Power" league, in other words it is the high competition league. In 
preparation for the first week of volleyball I had to collect the team fees, put
together the 10 week playing schedule, and email both the schedule and the set
rules to each team captain. On the night of first games I showed up to the
courts and set out the equipment, such as the scoreboards and score sheets. I
also racked the sand on both of the courts. Throughout the night I stayed and
watched the games to ensure the rules were being followed and make sure
arguments, if any, did not get out of hand. The morning after the league plays I
take the results form each game and put the teams in order from most to least
amount of wins. I also include the scores from each teams games and the next
weeks game schedule. This results sheet gets emailed out to all of the team
captains as well as the local news paper so that sponsors as well as community
members can see how the teams are doing. 
    The other event I worked this week was the annual Fishing Derby. The Fishing Derby was held at the Isaac Walton League. This event was held for children only and they were categorized into three age groups. These groups consisted of 7 and under, 8-10 year olds, and then 11-17 year olds. Kids and their families started showing up for registration around 8:15 am. The Legion was in charge of the up keep of the pond, stoking the pond with certain fish, and also taking the fish off the hooks for the kids and measuring the length of each fish. My job during the event was to record which child caught which fish and how long the fish was. This was to ensure the prizes for each child at the end of the event. The day before the event I was in charge of going to Wal-Mart and choosing the door prizes that each child would receive at the end of the event. This was interesting because the prizes had to be in relation to fishing. Now I have been fishing before but I was not very good or knowledgeable at it. So I was able to put some prizes together such as bobbers, tackle boxes, fishing poles, and nets. The event started at 9:00 and ran until 11:00, any child seen with their pole in the water before hand was disqualified. Over all I would say the event was successful and everyone had a good time. We had about 25 participants.

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