It is the first week of June and finally feeling like summer! This week consists of four events in three days. 
First, the Parks and Recreation Department put on a two day baseball camp for children ranging in age from 6 to 8 and 9 to 10. This baseball camp was held from 9-11 in the morning, we taught the kids how to properly field a ground ball, what foot to step with when throwing a ball, the different positions on the field, and how to bat properly. The younger kids hit off of a tee but they still learned the proper technique to holding and swinging the bat such as "squishing the bug" with their back foot when following through and keeping their eye on the ball. The second day of camp we went over the game and techniques to refresh the kids memories. Then we put all the kids together, split them up evenly between two teams and had them play.
    After the baseball camp on the second day the Parks and Recreation Department organized a Play Day. These Play Days are throughout the whole summer and they are in place to teach kids why we should keep the community clean of liter and also about nature all in itself. The first Play Day of the year was about keeping our earth clean and the importance of it. We had a woman named, Andria Marques come from the Seneca County Water and Soil Department, and she brought crafts and games to teach the children about waste and recycling. This Play Day and all others throughout the summer are about an hour long and anyone is welcome to come and participate at any age. Before we started with the games we first went around the park with the children and picked up all the trash we could find. Showing the kids the importance of keeping the local parks clean.
    The last event I had for the week was Volleyball. I supervised once again to ensure there were no conflicts. My duties for this league have been stated in the previous posts.

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