This week was not busy, but it was fun! Volleyball was cancelled because of the storm so I had to call all of my team captains to let them know and for them to spread the word to their teammates. This only took about ten minutes to call
everyone and if they did not pick up I left a voicemail and then tried calling
them again 5-10 minutes later. Usually I stay in contact with the captains
through email, but since it was the day of volleyball, telephone was a faster
way of getting the word out. 
    The next day the Parks and Recreation Department schedules a Play Day at Nature Trails Park. This has been our fourth Play Day of the summer. These are always fun for me because the activities that are given to the kids really make them think, yet they are also fun for them. It shows the kids how important it is to
keep our Earth clean and they also get to make crafts such as bracelets made of
pop tabs and string and drink coasters made from gluing felt on an old CD. 

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